General manager of the company went to Anhui to participate in the three session of the two

来源:利辛县富亚纱网有限公司    日期:2016-7-22    浏览次数781

       On the morning of 22 July 2016, province Trademark Association Second Session of the Third Council was held in Hefei, association, vice chairman, executive director and director attended the meeting, Party members of the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau, deputy director of the Cheng Yin comrade, the provincial Trade and Industry Bureau Trademark Bureau researcher Dan Ling Li Comrade meeting guidance. Provincial Trademark Association Secretary General Ai Hong presided over the meeting. Zhu Yajun, general manager of our company was invited to attend. 

                              The two session of the three Council of Anhui Trademark Association          Meeting to listen to the provincial Trade Mark Association in 2015 work report and financial report, the election of the president, to consider the decision and to adjust the part of the members, members of the Executive Council, decided to consider the Deputy Secretary general. Assistant General Manager of Anhui Gujing Distillery Co., Ltd., Anhui Gujing sales limited liability company chairman and general manager Yan Lijun comrade was elected president of the society. 

                                 Provincial Trade and Industry Bureau and the Trademark Association


              Zhu Yajun, general manager of the company and President of the association Yan Lijun (left)